Getting your bearings
Getting your SIN, bank accounts and cards, ID, health insurance There are 4 major things you need in a new country Some kind of taxation identification number (so that you can have a bank account and earn money by working). In Canada, this is called a Social Insurance Number (SIN) - the closest equivalent would be an SSN (in the U.S) or a PAN (in India). Some kind of bank account and a card to pay merchants and other people Some kind of ID proof - your foreign passport can be used everywhere, but it is a pain to replace if you lose it, and it will likely not fit in your wallet. In Canada, and generally across car obsessed North America, this is usually a Driver's license. In Ontario, the government in all its infinite wisdom, has finally realized not everyone can drive or wants to drive, and have another form of ID called Ontario Photo ID. Some kind of health insurance. In Canada, health insurance is very complicated, and I will cover it in greater depth in a later pos...